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Stockwood House, Luton

Writer's picture: Tony ThiruTony Thiru

Stockwood House in Luton, Bedfordshire, a care home providing care and support for people with eating disorders was rated outstanding for being effective and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 2 August & 19 September 2019.

It achieved the score of good for the safe, caring and well-led categories.

The CQC report highlighted that Stockwood House provided specialist support to people with eating disorders to enable them to gain skills necessary for them to overcome their illnesses.

The provider had specialist professional skills and knowledge to plan suitable and personalised programmes to help people achieve their goals. The provider described their model of care as 'specialist supportive clinical management', and people received expert support from professionals such as nurses, occupational therapists, dietitians and an art therapist.

There was a very holistic approach to assessing and planning the support people needed so that they could thrive in their aims to get better and eventually, live independently.

People were extremely complimentary about the positive outcomes they had achieved in a short time at the service. They told CQC inspectors their main aim was to never return to hospital care, and that the support at the service had already given them that hope.

One person said, "Unfortunately, I've been in and out of hospitals for a number of years. But I think this is the best in how they tailor the care to the individual."

Another person said, "This is so different from where I've ever been, in a good way. Staff look at your needs rather than your illness. They look at what you like and what you want to do and focus more on you and how to move on in the real world. It is shocking how few places there are like here.”

One person told CQC inspectors they had been able to continue with their small online craft business while at the service. They made the products during their spare time and posted them to customers. They found this fulfilling, as well as being able to bring and play their piano at the service. Staff had also supported the person to find a piano teacher who provided lessons so that they further improved their skills.

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